Saturday, April 4, 2009

A new device that will greatly help you out

actually, 2! The first is the USB flash hardware from none of ther than 8bit toronto friend Jose Torres (BleepBloop).
These are on sale at right HERE
For those of you in toronto with old flashcarts, this is a must. It won't update roms on old flashcarts, but works for srams (your songs in LSDJ). Much better than the "find very old windows 98 computer with parallel port" method of backing up songs.

The second is this... xum1541. Yes, that's right, finally, a 1541 connection that is USB!!!!
All you commodore 64 users out there will be creaming your waterloins!

More details as they arise!


  1. Do commodore 64 users even own a set of waterloins?

    LOAD "waterloins",8,1

  2. Hold on, my humor cart isn't in the expansion port.
